Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it
T.L. Marsalis Elementary School & Harry Stone Montessori
Scholars Afterschool Program Enrollment Application

Biomedical Preparatory Application
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Scholars After-School Program
Provides a safe place for children to learn, grow and explore! Our after School Programs are licensed by the Department of Family and Protective Services - Child Care Division. The After School Program sites are in collaboration with the Dallas Independent School District.
Site Locations
Biomedical Preparatory at UT Southwestern
T.L. Marsalis Elementary School
Harry Stone Montessori
Scholars after school program and services include:
Homework Assistance and Tutorials
Enrichment and Life Skills Sessions
Structured Recreational Activities
Daily Snacks provided
Research Indicates that students enrolled in After School Programs:
Perform Higher in school than those not enrolled
Increase leadership and social and emotional learning
Increase homework completion rate
Increase Self-esteem and confidence
Increase Communication Skills
Mentoring Our Community (MOC) Project includes local government, businesses, community and faith based organizations.
Our Mentoring Program Components are designed to assist referred youth to grow, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually by participating in a series of Life Skills Sessions, Mentoring Activities and by connecting to local resources and faith based organizations.
We need your support! Your donations assist us with meeting the needs of our community.
We are dedicated to providing quality services to build better leaders.